【红旗飘飘】拥抱新年,启航梦想 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


欢度元旦 喜迎新年


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发布时间:2020-12-28点击次数:1958次字号: |
Dear teachers and students,
Good morning! Today, the topic of my speech is "love warm winter, love warm school".
Before we have time to reflect on this year’s fruit, it will be a new year once again. When the bell of the New year is about to ring, are you ready for a new year with hope and expectations? As time passes by, whether you thought that there will be a large number of things for us to prepare and learn. No matter what we do, we should know how to cherish time and cherish our youth.
As a year goes by, the feelings we feel are not as simple as tearing off a small piece of paper on a calendar, and some ideas ripple in each of us. This year, we understand the truth of life and has achieved a lot in the care of our teachers and parents. Whether happiness or sadness, success or failure... all of them  have turned into the wealth of life. In the face of the new year and new challenges, we must learn to plan well and cherish the time. As long as we maintain perseverance, we can turn boredom into pleasure and limited time into infinite power. At that time, we can be full of confidence, showing excellent results to our parents, teachers, and the upcoming ringing of the New year's bell!
Zhou Enlai was determined to serve the country in his youth, saying the heroic words of reading for the rise of China, and finally became a generation of great men and the founder of the state. Yue Fei son set up the ambition of serving the country, and finally he proved himself with his actions and realized his dream. Only those who have the courage to fly their dreams and move forward bravely will wield their swords and cut thorns on the road of life; only those who have the courage to fly their dreams can find their own goals and directions; only those who have the courage to fly their dreams can find themselves on the stage of life, deduce wonderful life and decorate plain life. Despite the prosperity of the world, we still need frank temperament and noble ideals; we still need to be full of passion and high tolerance, then we can bravely and firmly fly our dreams in the sky.
今天的我们已超越过昨天的我们,明天的我们也必将不同于今天的我们。我们怀着炽热的梦想来到滨河淮外,我们一定要将我们的梦想变成现实。我相信终有一天, 梦想不再是梦,她已悄然来临。让我们一起共同珍惜今天,珍惜现在的分分秒秒, 为梦想而扬帆启航吧!
Today we have surpassed what we were yesterday, tomorrow we will be different from what we are today. We come to Binhe Huaiwai with blazing dreams, we must turn our dreams into reality. I believe that one day, dream is no longer a dream. Let’s cherish today together, cherish the present minutes and seconds, for the dream and sail it!
国旗下讲话人:丁盼盼  蔡丰伊
升旗手:徐子钰  谷静雯  叶欣怡
护旗手:吴梦婷  王佳慧  于妙菡  陆佳骏  常轩玮  孙茜茜  张津玮  徐嘉穗  贾冕  赵金鑫  张政  顾子羡

初二(16)班 班团队
科任老师:徐凡茹  王可  宋松  薛栋泽  徐梦雅  高雅茹  孙天航  曹煜婕  孙都  周冶  任健