【红旗飘飘】浓情五月天,感恩母亲节 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


欢度元旦 喜迎新年


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发布时间:2020-05-05点击次数:2055次字号: |
Dear teachers, and classmates:
Good morning! The topic of my speech is “Passionate May Day, Thanks giving Mother’s Day ”.
May, a warm month, the second Sunday of which is a warm holiday: Mother's Day.
How can I ever return one thousandth of your love, dear mother! There is a person, who will always occupy the softest place in your heart, and you would like to love her with your whole life; There is a kind of love, which can be taken with abandon without any return...... This person is "mother ", and this kind of love is " Mother's Love "!

We are grateful to our mother for giving us life. We are grateful to our mother for making us thrive. We are grateful to our mother for their education and guidance, which enables us to acquire knowledge and strength. In our life, there will always be difficulties. We should be more grateful to our mother for giving us care and help.
A drop of water in need, shall be returned with a spring in deed. We may sometimes care about a little kindness of a stranger,  but turn a blind eye to our mother's great love. We are tired of her nagging or get angry with her over little things. However, mother always silently supports us, patiently enlightens  us, gives us support and encouragement.

Let's start from today and learn to be grateful to our mother! Only by studying hard and being self-disciplined can we comfort our mother's heart of working hard for us day and night, despite of wind and rain.
That's all for my speech,Thank you!

升旗手:宋  睿 张鑫蕊 刘家延
护旗手:张津玮 王子文 丁柯羽 王佳慧 倪子航 叶昕宇 谷静雯 王炫焙 叶家鸣 杨大成 刘润璇 包诗月
初一(10)班  班团队
班主任:周 舟
课任老师:刘青云 颜欣 胡海浪 辜驿惠 韩悦 郭鹏 朱盈盈 张茹 姜航 吴祖安
