【红旗飘飘】珍爱生命,高质量成长 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-05-12点击次数:2146次字号: |




Dear teachers and students:

Good morning everyone! Today the topic of my speech is Cherish life, grow with high quality.

Life is precious. It is only once for each of us. We must learn to love life, because life is beautiful. It can make our lives shiny. Because of having life, one can realize higher life value, create wealth and make the world a better place. Because of the laughter and lively figure of the students, we can make our campus full of sunshine and vitality.


When you are walking on the road with a lot of people, do you notice the traffic lights and consciously obey the traffic rules? When you flew on the crowded corridors of the campus, did you learn to let it go and go up and down the stairs to the right? When you play on the court, do you know how to protect yourself? Put your own safety first? For our middle school students, the more self-discipline, the more safe bargaining chip; the more alert, we have a green card leading to safety.


Regarding life, Nobel once said: "Life, that is a gem naturally taken by humans to sculpt." Emerson said: "A great soul will strengthen thought and life." Roman Roland said: "There is only one kind of heroism. That is to understand life and love life. "And in my opinion, life is not only the cry of you and me, but also the hardship of the mother’s ten-month pregnancy. The precious wealth is also the instillation of hard work for us. Therefore, our life contains too much content and expectations, and it has long been doomed to its supreme value.


Life is like a flower, with its own flowering period, it must be eye-catching during this period.  Zhang Haidi, known as "China's Paul", once said: "Life is painful, but I have to live alive, I want to live well, and I have to live a poetic life." Therefore, Zhang Haidi in a wheelchair sang the soaring song of life. It forever warns us that we should cherish life and fear life.



Students, maybe you have many dreams, maybe you have great ambitions. But do you know? Life is the foundation for the realization of all dreams and ambitions, and the ladder of life. Life has infiltrated every bit of life with its unique beauty; beautiful life stems from a love of life and a treasure of life. It bears too much beauty, please take it seriously, it walks in the palm of you and me, please take care of it. Life is today, cherish today, cherish life, everything is possible.

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



升旗手:周弈吉 吴柯涵 顾禹衡

护旗手:马棒 王予暄 崔睿 万冰冰 潘柯妤 付淇 顾俊昊 李思涵 李咏泽 陈琪 孙有为 赵新瑞

初二(2)班 班团队


课任老师:张伟 徐志浪 翟晓晓 陈洁丽 曹爱国 朱斌 郭鹏 王刚 张菱淼 孙都 宋欣



