【红旗飘飘】创文明城市,做美德少年 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-05-26点击次数:2080次字号: |
早上好!  今天我们国旗下演讲的题目是《创文明城市,做美德少年》。


Dear teachers and classmates! Good morning!
Today, I’d like to talk about building a civilized city and being a teenager with good manners.
Dear classmates! What’s civilization? It is a quality; it is a kind of behavior. It is a smile given to people you meet on the way, some help given to your classmates in need or greetings given to your teachers. It is also the soft voices and steps in public places and the act of putting rubbish into the rubbish bin. All the good acts belong to it.

Lianshui is now building a national civilized city. Building a civilized city is also a way to practice socialist core values and build a peaceful society. It is also a way to show what a city is like and how it develops.
As an important window of showing how civilized our city is, our school has also taken an active part in building our city better.In order to respond actively to the call, on behalf of all the students, I’m putting forward the following proposals to the teachers and students in our school:



First, actively take part in building a civilized city as a master of our city.starting from now and change yourself. Pay attention to the details, and be active in thinking up good ideas and ways to help build a civilized city. Set rules for your own appearance. Keep off the lawn or the grass. Do not run after or fight with each other.
Never spit or make too much noise.Never say four-letter words. Never litter everywhere.Speak and behave in a civilized way. Develop civilized habits and be a person with good merits.
Second, always follow rules!We should be strict with us and be active in following rules for middle students’ behavior. Keep yourself away from all kinds of bad behavior. Do remember:Never run through the red lights. Be active in keeping the city in order and work together to build a peaceful civilized Lianshui.

Dear teachers and students! Let us work together to build our civilized city with our strength. Let’s join in building a civilized city and making our school a much better one.
That’s all for my speech. Thank you for your time!

升旗手:周程希 朱航宇 张治伟
护旗手:刘建正 宋沂霖 程佳妮 徐琦 韩雯雯 胡润泽 蒋静雯 孙万清 李智 文志宏 周奕洋 薛雅月

初二(3)班  班团队
课任老师:周向春 贾婧颖 朱银淼 刘逸诗 薛栋泽 王坤 郭 鹏 张菱淼 赵红霞 姜航 吴祖安
