【红旗飘飘】科学膳食,健康成长 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-05-18点击次数:2163次字号: |


Dear teachers and students:
Good morning everyone! Today the topic of my speech is Scientific diet, healthy growth.
May 20 is the annual nutrition day for middle school students in our country. When we are talking about nutrition, students should not look down on it. With the improvement of living standards, the number of students who are picky, anorexic and partial is increasing. Many students have got into the habit of eating snacks but not main food, which leads to the increasing number of students with malnutrition.In addition, due to the great pressure of study, mental stress, insufficient exercise, and excessive intake of high-fat and high-protein food,the incidence of obesity among teenagers in China is increasing year by year.Good nutrition, proper exercise and reasonable rest are three important factors that affect children’s physical and mental development.For the healthy growth of teenagers,we should popularize students' knowledge of nutrition and provide students with a reasonable diet structure. According to the nutrition of different food and the nutrition standard of different ages, the school should change the diet reasonably to achieve a balanced diet.



Students' daily diet should be diversified to provide balanced nutrition to ensure physical development needs. Here are some suggestions:
1.Develop a good habit of eating a good breakfast. You must have an egg for breakfast,so that you can keep active in the morning. The breakfast must be full of enough calories to ensure that students can study energetically. Teenage period is the golden age of intellectual and physical investment. Only a reasonable diet can make a healthy body, a quick mind and a healthy growth.
2.Diversify the diet: Reasonable nutrition is of great significance to the healthy growth and learning of teenagers.According to the nutritional requirements, the diet of teenagers should have staple food, non-staple food, meat products and vegetables, and should be diversified as far as possible.
3.Take an active part in physical activities and strengthen physical exercise.



Moderate exercise and proper nutrition combination can promote the growth and development of adolescents, improve cardiopulmonary function, improve human endurance, reduce body fat and improve mental state.This effective and side-effect-free measure plays an important role in improving the quality of life and health of teenagers.
Students, we are the future builders of the motherland, the healthy growth of everyone is related to the happiness of each family and the future of the motherland. So we must have scientific diet, happy learning! Healthy growth!
That's all for my speech. Thank you.

升旗手:唐启闻 张峰源 姜欣怡
护旗手:左荟琳 陈映晗 秦  铭 张智桐 朱颜昊 陈妍卉 平正坤 章予澍 周一一 徐焕璋 王梓睿 金子旭

课任老师:李建国 潘丽 白垚垚 辜驿惠 李莹 杨吉雄 朱盈盈 孙天航 姜航 吴祖安
