【红旗飘飘】青春是船,理想是帆 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


欢度元旦 喜迎新年


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发布时间:2020-12-02点击次数:1818次字号: |


Dear teachers and students:
Good Morning Everyone! The topic of my speech today is "youth is a ship, and dream is a sail" .
We are not strange to the word "dream" . Each of us has our own dreams and have a deep desire to make them come true.
At the age of youth, each of us can have our own dreams, but we can not just hide the dream, and shout out the slogan of the dream.
A writer once said: "  walk a long way in the dream, but only to find it is in bed. " It tells us a truth: People can not live in a dream-like life.
Yes, we should not only have the dream, but also work hard to put it into reality, enrich it , perfect the initial dream, and it will become the power of struggle in our life .
To be sure, the realization of every dream is not easy. But if we have a dream that we really want to achieve and work hard on, then we have a meaningful life.
I can not imagine how is your life like if you don’t work hard .such youth must die day by day. Looking back the past, there is no memory, no honor, and life is filled with a sigh. This is not the life we want.
We may not be able to do great things, but we can use our dreams to our influence our friends around us , as well as the whole society.
Students, we are now in the life of the most beautiful season, full of poem and no lack of passion to fight.
If you don't want to regret in 10 or 20 years, we need to work hard and persisit on the way to achieve our dreams. please believe that our life will keep shining.
That's all . Thank you.
国旗下讲话人:何孝沣(中文)  杨雨轩(英文)
升旗手:缪宇轩  高德琛  张峰源
护旗手:杨曦  肖京哲  曹天鹏  周奕吉  梁琨  陈逸飞  施建坤  殷浩元  皇甫睿琪  李诗漫  张艺泽  唐明萱
初二(8)班 班集体
科任老师:张俊逸  刘京  王刚  辜驿惠 孙都 张菱淼  吴祖安  刘逸诗  孙天航  韩悦  杨吉雄